

An interesting title, I know, and I'll get to it momentarily!

Adeline is 17 months old this week and she is so much fun! She continues to learn all kinds of words, including "yes" to go with her "no"! She pointed to something in the sky the other day and I looked to see what it was. It was the first time to tell her about the moon (other than reading Goodnight Moon many times). Later that night, as we were getting out of the car, she pointed to the moon and said "moon"! It's so cool to watch it all come together. On another note...her bottom molars are breaking through so the teething adventures continue, in addition to another bottom tooth in the front. It's a joy to see her smile and even better when she laughs!

About the squats...as a teacher, I have tended to bend down or into a squatting position to be at eye-level with my kiddos. After all these years (this is my 16th year teaching -- when did that happen?!?!) it is just a habit. So, naturally, I do this with Adeline -- and she imitates it, too -- when she's brushing her teeth!!! It's the funniest thing! A few months ago we began using a real toothbrush and the trainer paste. I have been brushing my teeth at the same time trying to show her how it's done. Of course, I squatted down to be closer to her. As I hand her the readied toothbrush, she assumes her squatting position and is ready to go! Maybe we'll catch it on video...

Our cousin/nephew will be here soon! Aunt Julie, aka "JuJu", will be induced in just over a week unless Chase decides to come on his own. Please keep them all in your prayers as we await his arrival. We can hardly wait to meet him!



I continue to marvel as Adeline learns more and more words. It seems like each day she has something new to say! Acutally, one of the sweetest things she says right now is "no". She has shaken her head for several weeks and over the snow days began verbalizing it, too. Now, I know the day is coming when that word will not be so sweet, but we are smiling right now! Her teacher at the nursery commented today about how verbal she is. I wonder where she gets it?!?!

In the last month, she's had an ear infection followed by a sinus infection which resulted in several restless nights for all. Thankfully, we are all getting back to sleeping through the night!

Adeline's cousin will be born in the next few weeks. Aunt Julie (aka Juju) will be induced March 8th unless Chase decides to make his appearance earlier than that. We are ready to meet him and welcome him into our family!!

I have some other pics from the snow to get on the computer! She and I bundled up twice to get outside so she could investigate it. Her favorite part was simply having me carry her up and down the street; and she thought it was pretty fun when I threw a snowball at her tummy!

Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you, Father, that you love us and show us how to love.